Out of Hand
I haven’t blogged about anything other than clothes in awhile. Oh, and the tragic ending to my marriage. Sorry about all that. Now that the world’s gone to shit with the ‘rona I’m having a hard time finding things to write about. (un)fortuantely, I had already signed up for so many clothing boxes…so they’re still rolling in. I’ve got two for this post, and two more after that, and I just got an alert from Amazon that my April box
More Clothes
Okay, more pictures of me wearing clothes. I’d probably get more followers if I posted pictures of me not wearing clothes…but then again, maybe not. Like I said previously, I got a bit carried away on ordering various clothing boxes. I’m only getting Stitch Fix every three months, so you’ll have to wait on a post for that one. But! I’ve got TWO Amazon Prime Wardrobe orders to show off. My first one is the Personal Shopper selection that was
Goodness. That was a LOT to unpack. I really dredged up a lot of emotions and feelings this week as I worked through everything. It feels good, though. Cleansing. The point, though, was to reflect on how alllllll of that might be influencing my thoughts on having babies. (Not that I’m about to have a baby or anything. Slow ya roll.) I feel like I’m done, but I also feel like maybe I feel like that because when I think
The Fallout
Dear God, please let this be the last post… lol! In my first post, I glossed over our relationship leading up to the summer that everything fell apart. I definitely didn’t go into very much detail because I had to cover like 9 years in a single post. As far as I was concerned, they were really, really good years. He was my best friend. I seriously thought we were super in sync and solid. The more I learned about
Okay, Here’s Some More
I don’t think I can fully explain to you how totally unexpected my divorce was for me. Like I said before, things were rough. But, like…I just thought it was normal rough. He was my husband. We had a child together. We had just gotten through the hardest year of our marriage and things were starting to look up. But, yeah. Things got worse, then they got terrible, then it was over. I went from feeling optimistic about our future
Public-Facing Diary
This really probably shouldn’t be a blog entry. It’s gonna be too personal. But it is what it is and I am who I am, so here we go. My therapist suggested this exercise. Not putting it in a blog, no, but writing it all out. I’ve got a lot of anxiety around childbirth/babies that is probably definitely not all about childbirth/babies, but also includes the trauma of the fact that my entire life fell apart the year after my
Hello again! I’ve been gone for a HOT minute. I have so many things to post about, y’all. But I’m just gonna talk about clothes today. Because somehow I got all kinds of into ordering clothes last month. It started with an order through Amazon Prime Wardrobe. Then I got a free styling from Stitch Fix. Then I decided to try out the Personal Stylist from Amazon Wardrobe. And suddenly I had a million clothing items at my house and
My Bedroom!
Inspiration: Bed Frame & Headboard When I last wrote about my bed, we had it assembled but not painted. Well… We finished it! Finally! Several weeks ago, tbh. I’m just really bad at writing blog posts these days. It looks good, though. I love it so hard. It really didn’t take that long to get it all painted, once we sat down to do it. The biggest issue was that I thought I had a decent amount of the
Abstract Forest
Because I can’t do anything halfway, I’ve decided on an “Abstract Forest” theme for my son’s bedroom. I plan on redoing it the last week of April, while he stays with my parents for a week. Of course I have a Pinterest board. I already knew one wall was going to be chalkboard paint, and his bed was going to be vaguely tent-shaped. But last night while we were waiting on the gallon of paint to finish my bed (need
The Bed
Inspiration: Bed Frame & Headboard I did it!! Well, almost. And it wasn’t really me that did 90% of the work. It was this guy: I got a boyfriend, y’all. We had only been dating a couple months when he started this project with me. And it didn’t take long to reveal that I was pretty incompetent as a helper. He’s a saint. Plus he actually likes my dogs. And they love him. But back to the bed frame. This