Everything is terrible, isn’t it? Just fucking terrible. Global pandemic – terrible. The way the US is responding – terrible. The way my local elected officials are responding – terrible. The way the people in my community are reacting – terrible. The way my ding-dang own family is reacting – terrible. This 4+ month quarantine – sooo fucking terrible. My child – terrible (but loved) (but terrible). Any level of human interaction I’ve had in the past idk – terrible.
Build Your Own PC
For years now I’ve had it in the back of my mind to build my own PC. I have two degrees in Computer Science and have worked as a web/software developer for nearly a decade. With that amount of tech…nerdary…it is expected that I know about things like hard drives and printers and what have you. My secret shame, though, is…I don’t. And I don’t really care to learn (obvs, or I would have by now). So even though I’ve
Retail Therapy
Did you know that if you click on the “Returns & Orders” tab of Amazon, it will break down your orders by year? Please note the date of this post – we’re in the last week of June, 2020. A mere 6 months into the year – with a whole ‘nother 6 months to go. I have made 74 orders in these six short months. (Who am I kidding – they have not been short. Every day is a month,
Stitch Fix Summer Collection
My Note I’d love some wide-legged pants with tops and shoes to wear with them. Bright, summery colors and fun patterns. Something to make a statement. Stylist Note Hi Sarah, welcome back for your 6th Fix! I’m so glad that you loved the styles in your last Fix and I paid attention to your feedback on wanting more variety. I saw your request for wide-legged pants with tops and shoes to wear with them, as well as bright summer colors
Amazon Personal Shopper, 05/2020
My Note Casual clothing – shorts, t-shirts, tank tops, sandals. Wardrobe staples mixed with fun patterns to make an outfit interesting. Practical enough to chase a 4yo and a puppy around without crossing over into “Mom Fashion”. The Clothes Marky G Apparel Women’s Pigment-Dye Short-Sleeve V-Neck T-Shirt I tried something new with this box and ordered the same items in different colors/prints. Wild, I know. This was a basic t-shirt, and the navy blue was only like $7. The pink
Enough Is Too Much
I don’t have the words to articulate how much I’m not okay right now. Even to say that much makes me feel the weight of my privilege and comfort. The fact that it’s taken this long to become aware of just how…terrible…things are… I just don’t have the words. Outside of the murders, protests, riots, curfews, martial law…overwhelming weight of the possible collapse of our society…THERE’S ALSO A PANDEMIC. I’ve been home, quarantined with my son, boyfriend, 3 dogs, and
Surprise Guest!
Okay, okay, okay. SORRY. Another clothing post. But! This time there are no pictures of me! So it’s new and exciting! Okay, one picture of me. But I was excited!! I mentioned last time (way down there at the bottom) that I had considered signing Matthew up for Amazon Prime Shopper blah blah blah, but they don’t have it set up for men yet, apparently. -_- My friend got hit with a FB ad (probably because we were discussing it
Amazon Personal Shopper, 04/2020
My Note Since I’m quarantined at home and summer is coming, I’d like comfortable, casual clothing. Shorts, pants, shirts, sandals, hoodies, etc. Things that are cute enough to be able to wear out in public once I can go out again, but comfortable enough to be able to wear around the house and on walks through the neighborhood with my son. The Clothes I actually really liked basically everything the stylist had picked for this box, so it was kind
Mug Rack
I’m actually really proud of this project. Considering I was almost entirely moral support, that’s pretty bold of me to say. lol! It took about 2.5 weeks to complete because we actually used STAIN which makes a great finished product, but holy buckets drags the experience out by a LOT. Too much time has passed and I’m too tired in this moment to go into all of the nitty gritty details of the struggle bus that was this project…just know
One More to Catch Up
I was actually going to make a different kind of post, but if I do this now I’ll be all caught up on clothes posts AND the box I got this week is just so hilarious to me that I desperately want to share the pictures. I’ll make a post about a home project or how I feel like I’m slowly going crazy as the world crumbles around me at some point after this one. Amazon Personal Shopper, 03/2020 Lucky