
Yup, the old blog is gone. I think – I hope – I have all the posts saved into a Word document. I was trying to figure out how to transfer the data from my old hosting to this one and could never get it to work, then figured I didn’t want all that old baggage all up in my bidness, anyway. It’s a fresh start, yo! A #brandnewday.

I have SO MUCH to tell you. None of which I want to. I’m afraid if I start it will quickly devolve into me just smashing my hands against my keyboard repeatedly in an incoherent rage. Plus a lot of it is very private and even though I’m the queen of the overshare I’m actually holding my cards pretty close with this one.

The very, very, very short version is… Mr. T decided he didn’t want to be married anymore. He moved out in August and our divorce will be finalized at the first of the year.

It…has not been a good year for me. As the months have progressed I’ve found out more and more and…I’m just amazed. Someone who was my best friend for nearly a decade ended up being someone I don’t know at all. I have nfc how I will ever be able to trust myself or another man again, considering how totally blindsided I was by this one. I’m in therapy, at least, and most of the time I feel like a competent and capable human being. The times I don’t, though…those times suck.

But! Screw him. Wade and I are going to be just fine. 🙂 And I’d like to take a moment to pat myself on the back because I have made it through all this without ever setting any of his things on fire, or breaking anything, or going crazy toward him. 99% of the time I can even interact with him without getting emotional! My goal is to get through this divorce without ending up in prison. Fingers crossed!

4 Replies to “#brandnewday!”

  1. You and Wade are both amazing. I’m so glad to know you and am amazed how you’re getting through this.
    If the shoe was on the other foot, I don’t know if I’d have been so charitable.
    There may have been fire. There may have even been blood.
    You’re awesome!

    1. Girl, it gets harder every day to be the bigger person. Some of the things I’ve found out have made me physically ill. I just keep pushing through, getting through one day at a time. This, too, shall pass. And like I said, Wade and I are going to be just fine.

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