Well That’s Weird

I have thirteen tattoos. I started getting tattooed a decade ago and other than my pregnancy and Wade’s baby stage I’ve gotten tattooed pretty regularly. I’ve got big tattoos. Weird tattoos. Conversation-starter tattoos. But something about this sleeve has…changed…the way other humans interact with me. And it’s got me thinking. So when I was younger – a teenager – I never thought I’d get a tattoo. And if I did it would be black and gray. STEEPED in meaning. And

8 Hours…

This tattoo is by far the largest tattoo I have ever gotten in one sitting. And my elbow is the most painful tattoo experience I’ve ever encountered. 0/10 do not recommend. I’m insanely proud of myself for sitting through it, though, and I love – love – the final product. I’m not sure when I first discovered Yann Black…I feel like it was close to a decade ago. The earliest I could find where I had posted about it was

New Tattoo!

I started on a new tattoo this week! I love it so much. BACKSTORY: When my ex and I first started dating he was a tattoo apprentice. (I honestly don’t know if I’d have tattoos now had we not started dating. I do know I’d have vastly different ones, but whatever. All I know is now I love tattoos and have lots of them.) My very first tattoo was a little baby dragon that everyone thought was a Pokemon. My